* tmc * in patientia vestra habetis animam vestram * tmc *

Dear Reader,

(including all its subsidiary (and/or sister) pages on "coombs.anu.edu.au" server) has permanently ceased its publishing operations on Friday 21st January 2011.

All of the online resources reported here have been thoroughly checked at the time of their listing. However, it is possible that, with the with the passage of time, many of the originally reported materials might have been removed from the Internet, or changed their online address, or varied the scope and quality of their contents.

Fortunately, in several cases it is possible to access many of the older versions of the resources listed in the MONITOR. This can be easily done via the free services of the "The Internet Archive" http://web.archive.org/, a remarkable brainchild of Brewster Kahle, San Francisco, CA.

- with warm regards -

Editor, Dr T. Matthew Ciolek.

Canberra, 21 January 2011.

06 January 2009

Wolfgang Michel-Zaitsu Portal: History of Euro-Asian Cultural Exchange


06 Jan 2009

Faculty of Languages and Cultures, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.

"Wolfgang Michel-Zaitsu - Professor, Faculty of Languages and Cultures (University of Kyushu), Research Topics: History of Euro-Asian cultural exchange; medicine and allied sciences in the history of East-West cultural exchange; History of 'Dutch Learning' (rangaku) and 'Western Studies' (yogaku) in premodern Japan."

Site contents:
* Profile, Activities (Profile, Awards, Outline of Research Activities, Related Newspaper Articles, Research Activities (Department of Research and Development, Kyushu University Library), Research Results: Kyushu University Repository)
* Education (Undergraduate Level, Graduate Level);
* Publications (Books and Articles, Miscellanies, Research Notes, Translations, Textbooks and Readers, Notes on Medical Books, Editorial Activities);
* Presentations (Papers, Congresses, other Presentations);
* Databases, Bibliographies (Catalogue: Murakami Archive (Nakatsu), Catalogue: Old Medical Books & Manuscripts, Pictorial Database of Old Medical Illustrations, Old Maps of Japan, Bibliography: Japan in Europe 16th-19th Century, Bibliography: Medical History in Japan, Bibliography: E. Kaempfer);
* Research Resources (Caspar Schamberger, Engelbert Kaempfer Forum, Medical History, Acupuncture and Moxibustion in the History of Euro-Asian Cultural Contacts, Dutch Studies in Nakatsu, History of Cultural Relations: Europe - Japan, VOC and Japan, History of Cultural Relations: Europe - China, Intercultural Communication);
* Public Activities (Exhibitions (Organization, Participation, Cooperation), Newspaper Articles).

[A bi-ligual (JP, EN) site - ed.]

URL http://www.flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~michel/index.html

Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.flc.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~michel/index.html

Link reported by: T. Matthew Ciolek (tmciolek--at--coombs.anu.edu.au)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:
Study / Documents / Online Guide / Corporate Info
* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:
* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:
* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000
- under 300 - under 100 - under 30]: under 300

Please note that the above details were correct on the day of their publication. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com