* tmc * in patientia vestra habetis animam vestram * tmc *

Dear Reader,

(including all its subsidiary (and/or sister) pages on "coombs.anu.edu.au" server) has permanently ceased its publishing operations on Friday 21st January 2011.

All of the online resources reported here have been thoroughly checked at the time of their listing. However, it is possible that, with the with the passage of time, many of the originally reported materials might have been removed from the Internet, or changed their online address, or varied the scope and quality of their contents.

Fortunately, in several cases it is possible to access many of the older versions of the resources listed in the MONITOR. This can be easily done via the free services of the "The Internet Archive" http://web.archive.org/, a remarkable brainchild of Brewster Kahle, San Francisco, CA.

- with warm regards -

Editor, Dr T. Matthew Ciolek.

Canberra, 21 January 2011.

12 February 2004

Bibliography of Japanese History up to 1912


Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Cambridge, UK

"Bibliography of Japanese History up to 1912. This is a completely revised edition of a bibliography of Japanese history up to the end of the Meiji period which I compiled in 1996 and which was made available to interested parties in a softcover for a nominal fee. There is no copyright attached to it, and you may print it out or use it however you wish. [...] Peter Kornicki, University of Cambridge."

Site contents:
About CSIS * Preface; * Abbreviations; * Bibliographies and General works; * Pre-Heian; * Heian; * Medieval; * Foreign relations: 1200-1800; * Tokugawa political history; * Tokugawa social history; * Tokugawa economic history; * Tokugawa intellectual history; * Meiji Restoration; * Foreign relations 1800-1900; * Meiji political history; * Meiji social history; * Meiji economic history; * Meiji political history; * Meiji intellectual history; * Meiji military history and colonialism;


Internet Archive http://web.archive.org/web/*/www.oriental.cam.ac.uk/jbib/bibtitle.html

Link reported by:
Peter Kornicki (pk104@cam.ac.uk)

* Resource type [news - documents - study - corporate info. - online guide]:

* Publisher [academic - business - govt. - library/museum - NGO - other]:

* Scholarly usefulness [essential - v.useful - useful - interesting - marginal]:

* External links to the resource [over 3,000 - under 3,000 - under 1,000 - under 300 - under 100 - under 30]:
under 30

Please note that the above details were correct on 16 October 2005. To suggest an update, please email the site's editor at tmciolek@ciolek.com